Tweet . Survey 2023 Current Local Issues Political Opinions Get involved Your details Leave this field blank Do you have any local priorities, issues or concerns Katherine Fletcher MP and/or our local Councillors should be aware of? 1. Which of Katherine Fletcher's priorities for South Ribble is most important to you? Supporting local businesses and jobs Working for better local transport links Improving our flood defences Working with the police to keep crime down Standing up for our local hospitals and GP surgeries Protect green spaces, wildlife and nature 2. Which THREE of these local issues do you think should be prioritised? More local homes Supporting shops and businesses Improving air quality Leisure, libraries and culture Keeping Council Tax low Improving parks Parking Recycling and rubbish collection More support for renters Reducing Council bureaucracy Road and pothole repairs Caring for the elderly and vulnerable School place provision Protecting green spaces from overdevelopment Improving access to transport Cutting congestion Tackling crime 3. The Government is hiring 20,000 extra police officers across England and Wales – what TWO issues would you like our additional local officers to focus on? Anti-social behaviour Knife crime Burglary & robbery Road safety and speeding Domestic violence Drug-related crime Other… Enter other… 4. How safe do you feel walking around our local area? On a scale of 0-10, where 0 is extremely unsafe and 10 is extremely safe. Questions 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 How safe do you feel? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10